Mass-building? Don't skip these supplements!
process of building muscle mass is associated not only with the need for
intensive strength training but also with providing the body with the necessary
nutrients that support the development and regeneration of tissues. In addition
to the diet, proper supplementation is an extremely important element of
building mass. What preparations should you take?
Protein supplements
The most important element in building muscle mass is undoubtedly the protein, which acts as a building material and enables tissue regeneration. People who exercise strength and strive to enlarge their muscles are most often unable to provide their body with a sufficient amount of protein with food. This is due to the fact that physical activity significantly increases the demand for this ingredient. The solution that ensures proper nutrition of the body during intensive training aimed at building muscle mass is taking supplements with high protein content.
There are many types of protein supplements to choose
from, which differ in terms of form, taste, protein content and source of its
origin. The most popular are undoubtedly WPC, WPI and WPH supplements based on
whey protein - a dairy product of animal origin.
WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate) contains 85% protein and 15% sugars, fats and
flavours, which are responsible for the high taste qualities of the
preparation. It is characterized by a long absorption time, from two to four
hours, which makes it unsuitable for post-workout supplementation. WPC is
recommended primarily to supplement dietary deficiencies, as well as to support
the development of muscles as well as regeneration and reconstruction of the
body after exercise.
(Whey Protein Isolate) is a protein product containing as much as 95% of
protein and only about 5% of fats and sugars, which allows for quick absorption
and makes this type of supplement can be successfully used after training. In
addition to accelerating the building of muscle mass, taking a whey protein isolate
also allows you to stimulate metabolism and improve the body's immunity.
(Whey Protein Hydrolyzate) is an extremely easily digestible type of protein
supplement containing up to 100% of protein. Its intake is associated with
large insulin bursts, which help to speed up the process of recovering after
exercise. For this reason, WPH supplements are best used around training -
immediately before and after training.
acids are the basic building blocks of the body. Their deficiency is associated
with negative effects in the form of health problems and a significant
reduction in physical fitness. Supplements containing amino acids are popular
among strength trainers who want to build muscle mass. The composition of
products for athletes most often includes BCAA and EAA amino acids.
amino acids
are a group of branched-chain amino acids that protect against catabolism, i.e.
muscle self-consumption in the event of energy deficiencies. They affect the
regeneration of the body after training, as well as the stimulation of the
processes responsible for the growth of muscle mass.
amino acids
or exogenous amino acids, is a group of amino acids that the body is unable to
produce on its own. Their action helps to keep the muscles fully functional,
protecting them from damage and enabling more intense strength training,
allowing for faster mass building.
use of amino acid supplements and protein supplements allows for more intense
workouts, which translate into faster muscle growth. In order to provide the
body with adequate support, it is also worth considering introducing
preparations that protect the joints into the diet.
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