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Fatty Acids and Reduction of a Fat Tissue

Losing weight is a very broad subject. Nowadays, more and more content is created for people who want to take care of their figure and health. Sometimes you can get lost in this information, which is why some people independently create theories about how fat is burnt, which sometimes is not true and thus health threatening. One such "myth" that you hear very often recently is the information that you should limit fatty acids while losing weight. But this is a misjudgment. When reducing body fat, you should not omit any of the nutrients, especially fatty acids! Let's see why. What are fatty acids? These are natural ingredients found in food products or in supplementation, thanks to which the body is supplied with the correct amount of energy material needed for life processes. Breakdown of fatty acids The most famous division of fatty acids is this into s aturated and unsaturated fats: The former is white in colour and characterized by its insolubility in wa...

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